Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Cheap Haircuts...

Tonight I had Miguel cut my hair. I only get a haircut once, maybe twice, a year and I didn't want to pay for a haircut so I made Miguel do it! I am the official hairstylist in our family, not because I have any training, but by default. I am actually pretty good at cutting Miguel and David's hair as I get to practice every 4-5 weeks. And I am pretty good at cutting Erin's hair too. I cut her bangs every 5 weeks. So after all of the free haircuts that I have given in the past 4 years, I figured it was about time for me to get my haircut for free. I told Cynthia that I was planning on getting Miguel to cut it and she thought I was absolutely crazy. But I did it anyway and it actually turned out nice enough. I "trained" him first of course. And I walked him through it every step of the way. He was so nervous at first, but he quickly got the hang of it. I told him I was closing my eyes and pretending I was at a spa and my pedicure was next. He laughed. And as he became more confident, I joked with him that if his career ever falls through he now has a backup plan. He wasn't amused. He really did do a pretty decent job though. He even layered it. Of course with hair as curly as mine it's easier to hide any imperfections. And I can't believe I'm doing this but here's a picture of me after the experience. Try to focus on the hair and not the fact that my eyes are closed, I'm in my pijamas, and I have absolutely no make-up on.

Attention viewers: Do Not Try This at Home...


Brooke Soderholm (crazysodfam) said...

Yea! You have a blog! I'm so excited to stay posted. I'm Adding your link right now.

Good job with the haircut,Miguel. Good job trusting your husband Paige. It worked out great!

The Jatens said...

I love that you have a blog now! Update often!

Megan said...

I'm glad that you have a blog now. I love to keep updated with blogs. Come check ours out too.
Miss you tons, where are you guys now?