Monday, January 12, 2009

What a mess!

The kids did this to the wall in our bedroom! What did moms do before Mr. Clean came out with his magic eraser?


The Razo Family said...

Hey!!! no lo limpies mejor enmarcalo es un buen recuerdo,,, bueno eso si la casa es tuya... es increible la imaginacion y colorido que tienen los ninnios verdad? aunque casi los ahorcas seguro te hicieron reir !!!!

Brooke Soderholm (crazysodfam) said...

Oh dear, not fun to see on your wall! But, I agree, it really is pretty aestetically pleasing as far as children's artwork goes. Too bad it wasn't on paper. I'll cross my fingers that the magic eraser will work!

Paige said...

Update: It all came off. The wall looks like new.