David turned 3 last week. So now we have two 3 yr. old's in the house. It's fun to say, "raise your hand if you're 3!" and have both Erin and David raise their hands excitedly. This will only last for 5 weeks of course until Erin's birthday, but it is fun for now. David thinks he is so big because he is the same age as his big sister. I explained to them that they are not regular twins but that they are in fact Irish Twins. They kind of got it.
We didn't do much on his actual birthday because we are having a party for both of them soon. But he did get his birthday breakfast that day and I made him a cake that night.

He looks so old in that picture. I can't see any baby in him anymore.

On their birthdays I can't help but think back to the adventure it was when they were babies. I can't imagine having done anything differently. I love being a mom to these kids! So here's a quick trip down memory lane...

Happy B-day, David! I can't believe how big your kids are getting, Paigey-poo. It seems like little Erin was just born, and here you are a mommy of 3! Craziness.
Happy Birthday David! We love you and miss you. Can't believe he is 3, holy cow. (Cute cake)
Those are some cute pictures of your babes! They grow up too quickly, don't they? Caleb and Alyssa are more than excited for Erin and David's b-day party. They both loved the invitations and carried them around with them the rest of the day yesterday. Alyssa put hers in special place on her bookshelf before she went to bed so she knew jut where to find it this morning. Thanks for thinking of them!
Happy Birthday! Holy cow, how did you do it?! You are amazing!
I found your blog!!!! I will now keep up on it:)
I forgot I said I would leave our blog address. eddielaciefamily.blogspot.com
Fun blog entry. Please tell your three year olds hello for me!
Paige- I lost your phone number or I would just call. Check out my blog for info. on the Christmas Light Parade if you are interested.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
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