Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Erin's friend...

I just had to post this picture of Erin and her friend Isabella. They play together all the time and I'm sure Erin will miss Isabella when we move. She has been such a good friend to my little girl.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Starting day 5...

I am starting day 5 of the cleanse. Day 4 was the hardest for me. I think that was my "detox" day. It wasn't too bad, but I woke up with aches and pains in all of my muscles and a small headache. It got better as the day went on, but I was cranky all day. I woke up this morning with a lot more energy and a few pounds lighter. I am down 7 lbs. after the first 4 days. I'm sure this is all water weight and colon cleansing though. I have not exercised really at all. I've heard that most people have a ton of energy from day 5 through day 10 so, I am excited to finally feel an energy boost. Still not hungry!

4 down, 6 to go!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

"Mommy, me fix it with tape. K?"

So, I heard some noises in the kitchen just now and I noticed that all of the lights were on. I found David in the kitchen going through the junk drawer and when he heard me come in he turns around and holds up Erin's Barbie doll and a roll of tape and looks up at me sweetly but nervously (not knowing if he was in trouble) and says, "Mommy, me fix it with tape. K?" I love that he immediately thought to fix it as he is our little fix-it-guy and that he was going to fix it with a huge roll of packing tape. He is so cute.

Homemade Laundry Soap!

Last night Cynthia came over to help me make my first batch of homemade laundry soap. It's really easy to make. Took us about 30 min. and now I have 180 (top load washer) loads of liquid laundry soap for approx. $2. I have already tried it on 3 loads and it works great! It doesn't create bubbles though so I googled the problem and found out that its the soap and not the bubbles that cleans clothes. Actually, the stuff they put in detergents to cause the bubbles can damage your washing machine and take years off its useful life.

I used Michelle Duggar's recipe. You know, the one with 18 kids. I got all of the ingredients at our local Macey's grocery store.
So, here is the recipe if anyone wants it:

Homemade Liquid Laundry Soap- Front or top load machine- best value

4 Cups hot tap water
1 Fels-Naptha soap bar
1 Cup Washing Soda
½ Cup Borax

- Grate bar of soap and add to saucepan with water. Stir continually over medium-low heat until soap dissolves and is melted.

-Fill a 5 gallon bucket half full of hot tap water. Add melted soap, washing soda and Borax. Stir well until all powder is dissolved. Fill bucket to top with more hot water. Stir, cover and let sit overnight to thicken.

-Stir and fill a used, clean, laundry soap dispenser half full with soap and then fill rest of way with water. Shake before each use. (will gel)

-Optional: You can add 10-15 drops of essential oil per 2 gallons. Add once soap has cooled. Ideas: lavender, rosemary, tea tree oil.

-Yield: Liquid soap recipe makes 10 gallons.

-Top Load Machine- 5/8 Cup per load (Approx. 180 loads)

-Front Load Machines- ¼ Cup per load (Approx. 640 loads)

Day 3 of the Cleanse...

Today is the third day of my "Master Cleanse" experience. I have 7 more days to go! The cleanse drink consists of: filtered water, cayenne pepper, fresh squeezed lemon juice, and organic, grade B maple syrup. That's all I have had to eat/drink for the last 3 days. Well, that and a salt water mixture in the morning and at night that flushes everything out of my colon.

With the exception of about 10 minutes the first day, I haven't felt any hunger at all. I didn't like the taste of the drink the first 2 days but today it has been much better. I have to admit though, cooking for Miguel and the kids isn't fun. But I am able to make myself just enjoy the rich smells of the food and then drink my cleanse drink and be satisfied. I have cravings from time to time but they usually hit when it's about time for my next drink (every 2 hours). I feel like I am getting a lot of the toxins (from fast food, soda, sweets, ect.) out of my body. I have been in a good mood overall and have been fairly productive. A pleasant side effect of the cleanse is that I have lost 3 lb. in 3 days.

I will keep updating the blog with my progress. It is a good way for me to deal with this experience that at times can be difficult. I'm sure this next week will be great though. Everyone that has done this cleanse says that days 3 and 4 are the hardest. Wish me Luck!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Dance with me...

Erin and David love to dance together but until now I had never thought to get it on tape. They must get their dancing talent from their Mexican genes.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

From the mouths of babes...

This conversation took place the other night before bedtime:

Mom: "Erin and David, you have 10 minutes till bedtime."
Erin: (Whining) "But mom, Nooooo."
Mom: (Sarcastically) "Okay, then 5 minutes."
Erin: (Smiling) "Okay!"

Kids are so funny sometimes.