Saturday, October 11, 2008

Designer Pumpkins...

Yesterday uncle Edgar (a.k.a. Tio Eddy) took David out to get two pumpkins. And today he spent a good part of the day carving two high-end, designer pumpkins for David and Erin. The kids love their pumpkins. They were so excited for the pumpkin lighting tonight. He picked the perfect themes for their interests too. I mean what 2 yr. old boy doesn't love Lightning McQueen? And what 3 yr. old girl doesn't adore the Disney princesses? Great job Tio Eddy! Thanks for all you do for the kids!

Stay tuned for upcoming pics of Halloween. We are so excited for Halloween and then a few weeks later Birthday parties, Thanksgiving and of course Christmas! Isn't this just a great time of year?

1 comment:

Erin said...

Those pumpkins are amazing! What a cool uncle your kids have!